23 de março de 2010

Artigos de Neuropsicologia Cognitiva

Aqui vão os artigos que a professora Sandra disponibilizou em pdf:

Caramazza, A. & McCloskey, M. (1988). The Case for Single-patient Studies. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 5 (5) 517 - 528

Caplan, D. (1998). On the role of group studies in neuropsychological and pathopsychological research. Cognitive Neuropsychologie, 5 (5), 535 - 547

Skottko, T., Rubin, D. & Tupler, L. (2008). H. M.'s personal crossword puzzles: Understanding memory and Language. Memory, 16 (2), 89 -96

Squire, L. (2004). Memory sistems of the brain: a brief history and current perspective. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 82, 171 - 177

os restantes encontram-se na reprografia.

Bom trabalho!

Tiago Cabaço

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